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Release notes

Our release notes provide an overview of all our new features and all the bugs we’ve fixed in Blue10. All updates are categorized per month, which makes it easy to access the correct information.

Please note: we update our software on a ring-based deployment. This means we’ve categorized our users into several groups, and we’ll update our software step-by-step according to those groups. As a result, it may take up to three days before any updates mentioned in the release notes will be available in your Blue10 environment.

July 2024

New functionalities

AccountView, AFAS, Exact Globe, Twinfield, iMUIS, Exact Online, Visma, Business Central, NetSuite & Unit4 Multivers (Online)

  • Manage posting templates from one central overview in Settings
    Posting templates allow you to speed up and automate the encoding and booking of invoices. One central overview of posting templates is now available for users with the Booking role. Via Settings > Booking templates, it’s possible to quickly and easily search, change or create posting templates.


No updates available

Resolved issues

No updates available

June 2024

New functionalities

Invoice Management 

  • The Document Overview: Purchase / Sales / Packing Slip export to Excel
    The Document Overview: Purchase / Sales / Packing Slip shows documents in Blue10 based on the filters and user permissions. From now on, you can export any Document Overview (Purchase / Sales / Packing Slip) to Excel. Please note that the columns ‘At user‘ and ‘Approved by‘ are not exported to the Excel file. Downloading the Document Overview can be useful for creating reports or sharing data with individuals who are not users of Blue10. Open the Document Overview: Purchase / Sales / Packing Slip and click on Export next to the Column Settings. The Excel file will be available in your downloads.
  • Undoing changes in Settings
    For users with administrator rights, it’s possible to make changes to the settings of the Blue10 environment via Settings. From now on, on every page in Settings it’s possible to cancel the changes made at once and thus not save them. This can be done using the Undo changes button that appears at the top right of the screen (next to closing the page).


Invoice Management – General 

    • When one of the recognised IBAN’s belongs to your company, that number will be ignored. If only one IBAN remains after this check, it will be suggested in the validation screen.
    • If multiple IBAN’s still remain, no specific IBAN will be suggested. Instead, we will display a drop-down menu with the various recognised IBANs for you to choose the correct IBAN. Additionally, it is always possible to enter an IBAN manually.Blue10 recognises multiple IBANs on an invoice
      With the IBAN check, Blue10 verifies if the recognised IBAN on the invoice matches the IBAN set up for the supplier in the accounting system. Want to know more? Read further here. The IBAN check has been optimised, and from now on, Blue10 also recognises multiple IBAN’s on an invoice.
  • Change in font size of Blue10
    Several font sizes of the font were used in Blue10. Adjustments have been made to the font size on several pages to make it more consistent.
  • Use of keyboard for navigating in Blue10 extended
    In Blue10, it was already possible to use the Tab key to navigate between fields. Tick boxes and Yes/No option fields were skipped while navigating with the Tab key. From now on, it is also possible to select these fields with the Tab key.

Resolved issues

No updates available

May 2024

New functionalities

Invoice Management – Enterprise

  • Automatic Coding and Posting of Electronic Invoices (e-invoice template)
    With an e-invoice template, a purchase invoice is automatically posted in the ERP/Accounting system. For each supplier, a one-time link must be created between relevant booking data from the electronic purchase invoice and the financial master data synchronized from the accounting system. New product lines in a subsequent purchase invoice need to be linked once and will be automatically coded and posted in the administration from then on. Want to know more? Read further here.

AFAS, Blue10 API, Axapta, Business Central, F&O, Exact Globe, and Navision.

    • Blue10 displays the Reporting Date in the header data after booking an invoice
      On the Document Detail page: Purchases in the header data, Blue10 displays the Reporting Date. This provides a more comprehensive view of the recorded booking. The reporting date is available for the accounting systems AFAS, Blue10 API, Axapta, Business Central, F&O, Exact Globe and Navision.

Invoice Management – General

  • Blue10 can process auction invoices (Florecom CII-file) from FloraHolland
    Previously, Blue10 could not process the auction invoice from FloraHolland because it did not support CII files. Now, it is possible to import and process the FloraHolland invoice in PDF and XML format in Blue10. Blue10 extracts the header information from the CII file. Do you also want a coding proposal or even automatic posting of the invoice? This is possible with the e-invoice templates. This e-invoice template functionality is only available in the Enterprise subscription. Want to know more? Read further here.

Business Central combined with extension version 7

    • Coding in Blue10 available in conjunction with Business Central extension version 7.
      In addition to capturing header data in the validation screen, you can now also code posting lines from Blue10 with Business Central. After saving in the validation screen, the purchase invoice is created in Business Central. Subsequently, the coded posting lines are booked by Blue10 in Business Central, resulting in a posted purchase invoice. Want to learn more? Read on here.


  • Blue10 can now process electronic sales invoices
    An electronic invoice (e-invoice) includes a PDF (the invoice) and an XML file. Blue10 was already capable of processing electronic purchase invoices. Now, it can also process electronic sales invoices. Based on the email address used for receiving invoices, Blue10 determines the document type. Want to know more? Read further here.

Business Central combined with extension version 7

    • Coding capabilities expanded in Blue10 extension version 7.1 for Business Central.
      In extension version 7.1, the coding capabilities have been expanded. With this extension version, it is possible to code on Projects, Project Tasks, Line Type, Unit Price Project, Asset Costs, Reporting Date, Posting Type, and to include a Discount Percentage. Want to learn more? Read on here.
      Curious about which extension version you’re currently using? Via Settings > Companies, you can access the relevant administration. Under the Integration section, Blue10 displays the Business Central version, Extension version, and Feature Set version. Here, you can also find instructions on how to update to the latest extension version.

Resolved issues

no updates available 

April 2024

New functionalities

Invoice Management – General

  • Company setting for date format
    If you frequently receive invoices with international date notations, it is now possible to change the default date format per company. Navigate to Setting > Companies and under the additional settings de setting Default date format for vendors is available. You can specify whether the notation is DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY. This setting determines how the recognized date on the invoice will be interpreted. If this company also deals with sales invoices, the setting Default date format for customers, is also available.
  • Supplier setting for date format
    In addition to changing the date format per company, it’s also possible to deviate from the standard date format per supplier. The setting Date Format has been added via Settings > Suppliers. Here, you can determine whether the supplier follows the standard date format or uses a fixed deviating date format.


  • Release payment hold in Blue10 for automatically collected invoices
    By default, Blue10 validates and holds invoices in NetSuite. Once an invoice is approved for payment in Blue10, the payment hold in NetSuite is released, allowing the invoice to become payable. With the EFT Bill Payment setting, it’s possible to book invoices that are automatically collected without a payment hold; these invoices no longer require approval. Navigate to Settings > Companies > Open the administration relevant to the setting in Blue10. In the Additional Settings, you’ll find the option ‘Use EFT Bill Payment‘; set it to ‘Yes’ if you wish to utilize the EFT bill payment method. Want to learn more? Read here further. 


  • Coding on current account in combination with AFAS
    Via Settings > Companies, under the heading Coding information, it is possible to use the new setting Code on Branch. By setting it to Yes, Blue10 shows Code on Branch in the encoding lines in the validation screen and in the Booking details on the Document detail page: Purchase.Want to know more about Code on Branch? Read more here
    To activate this new functionality, GetConnector version 5 is required. Via Settings > Companies per company under the heading Integration, GetConnector version 5 can be downloaded. This heading also shows which GetConnector version is currently installed. Want to know more about updating GetConnector? Read more here.


Invoice Management 

  • Redesigned icons on the Dashboard
    On the Dashboard, the icons of the invoice processing steps have been refreshed.
  • Confirmation pop-up when changing the Company field in the Auto- and Suggested routes
    When a route is set up and an attempt is made to change the Company field, Blue10 asks for confirmation. This is to prevent unintended loss of information.

Resolved issues

no updates available 

March 2024

New functionalities

No updates available


General – Invoice Management

  • Change in Enterprise functionality: Reporting Access
    Starting from April 1, 2024, we will be replacing a column in the Blue10 database. The replacement column is already available and serves as the primary column in the database. If you utilize the database access capabilities, it is necessary to start using the replacement column to ensure the continued functionality of your reports. Action is required for customers using the reporting access in the Enterprise subscription. Want to know more? Read further here.

Blue10 App 

  • Blue10 App the setting ‘Mobile uploads with one photo to the Splitter’ is no longer available
    With the setting ‘Mobile uploads with one photo to the Splitter‘ set to Yes (activatable via Settings> Settings), it was possible to always process an import from the Blue10 App through the Document Splitter. With the updated Blue10 App, this setting is no longer applicable, as it is now possible to select the correct administration and document type in the updated Blue10 App. All documents coming in via the Blue10 App are immediately available in the validation screen. Want to learn more about importing a document via the Blue10 App? Read on here

Resolved issues

  • Font adjustment in Blue10 for users of the Firefox browser
    For users utilizing Firefox as their browser, Blue10 was not easily readable after font adjustments. This has been rectified, ensuring Blue10 is now also legible in the Firefox browser.

February 2024

New functionalities

  • Coding purchase invoices on projects and project tasks
    From now on, it is possible to code a purchase invoice to an active project and/or active project task. Under Settings > Companies, you can now use the new setting Code on projects under the Code Information section. By setting it to Yes, Blue10 will display the Project and Project Task fields in the coding lines on the validation screen and in the Booking Details on the Document Details page: Purchase. When the Project field is filled, it is also mandatory to fill in the Project Task field.
    Note: If a project obligation is set on the general ledger account in, it is mandatory to code on a project.
  • Coding purchase invoices on dimensions 4 and 5
    With dimensions in Blue10, it is possible to further specify costs during validation based on details set in Under Settings > Companies, you can now use the newly added dimensions 4 and 5 under the Code Information section. By setting it to Yes, Blue10 will display the dimension(s) in the coding lines on the validation screen and in the Booking bon the Document Details page: Purchase.


Invoice Management – General 

  • Change in login method for users logging in via Azure AD on the login page
    The authentication method Azure AD has been updated, and this comes with a new button on the login page. As of today, the old Azure AD button on the login page will be removed, and you can use one of the other authentication methods:

    • Do you want to continue logging in with your Microsoft account? Use the Microsoft v2 button to log in to Blue10.
    • Do you want to log in with your email address and password? Click once on Forgot Password? to create a password and log in with this authentication method from now on.
  • Change in the font of Blue10
    Blue10 has changed its font. The new font is chosen to present data more clearly and make more data available on a page.
  • Blue10 available in dark mode
    From now on, it is possible to set Blue10 to dark mode, making all pages dark. Each user can set this individually. Click on your Username in the top right corner > My Settings > Preferences > Check the Use dark mode setting. Want to learn more? Read further here.

Contract Management 

  • The number of linked contracts is visible on the Contracts tab
    On the Document Detail page: Purchase contains details about the processing of the purchase invoice. In addition, an image of the purchase invoice is also visible. Above the image, depending on the settings, there are tabs including the Contracts tab. From now on, the number of contracts is also displayed on the Contracts tab.

Resolved issues

No updates available

January 2024

New functionalities


  • Recording Purchase Invoice on Project(s)
    From now on, it is possible to book a purchase invoice on a project in Blue10 because Blue10 retrieves projects from Netsuite. For each company, it is possible to enable or disable coding fields via Settings > Companies under the section Code Information. Here, you can activate the setting “Code on Projects.” On the coding lines in Blue10, the Project field becomes visible, allowing you to select a project.
  • Using purchase order lines with a Expense line
    If a purchase invoice is linked to a purchase order, it is possible to select the purchase expense lines in the validation screen via the Purchase Order dialog. From now on, Blue10 also synchronises purchase order lines with a cost rule (such as transport costs).


General – Invoice Management

    • The user role Workflow administrator is visible again in Blue10
      In Blue10, you manage user roles via Settings > Users. For each user, it is visible which rights and roles the user has under the headings Companies and Roles. From the past, there are two different roles with administrator rights:
      1.      Administrator: may do everything under the Settings button in Blue10
      2.     Workflow administrator: allowed everything under Settings except managing Companies and Users
      In the revamped interface, Blue10 showed only the Administrator role under the Roles heading. From now on, Blue10 will again show the role Workflow Administrator.

Resolved issues

No updates available

Release Notes 2023